First impressions on Android programming

During the holidays I could have a chance to dig into Android programming and got some short thought. I share them here, hoping that these would help someone else.
  • The programming environment of Android is literally fantastic. Now I can understand why a lot of companies are seriously considering Android in their embedded environment.
  • Java is...... too slow(OTL). Damn slow. I can't wait for the delay
  • I could, eventually, build Qt for Android in Windows
    • Build environment: Qt 5.9.2 + SDK Level 19 + NDK r15c + BuildTools 26.0.2 + JDK 8 + Windows 10 64bit (find_java.bat in Android SDK can't find JDK 9. -_-)
    • Qt Creator 4.4.0 can't recognize SDK Buildtools 26.X. At least 4.4.1 is needed
    • QTextToSpeech seems to fix the locale to system in Android, and can't be changed(In Java you can). However, considering that I accidentally hear TTS in other locale in the app, we may have some change(or it may be simply and error)

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