
Nowadays I was trying node.js (actually, following tutorials).
During the following, some thoughts popped up:

  1. node.js says one of the biggest strength lies in asynchronous callback
  2. Qt is designed to be asynchronous
  3. Boost has boost::async
Now, the thoughts spread more……
  1. Which of the two, node.js or C++, would have more libraries?
  2. Which will be faster, JIT or static compilation?
My conclusion: why do I try node.js, though I can do it everything with Qt + Boost?

Qt+Boost는 무적입니다

요즘 node.js가 뜬다길래 node.js를 끼적거려봤습니다.
그러다가 문득 생각이 든게……

  1. node.js는 비동기식이라는게 가장 큰 장점이잖아?
  2. Qt도 비동기인데?
  3. Boost도 boost::async가 있지..??
이쯤해서 생각 전개!
  1. node.js하고 C++하고 어느게 라이브러리가 더 많을까?
  2. JIT하고 static compilation하고 어느게 더 수행속도가 빠를까?
결론: Qt + Boost로 다 되는데 왜 node.js를 하려는 거지?


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