It's a bit late, but I learned that Bram Mooleanaar, the very developer of Vim, has passed away last month. I sincerely show my humble respect to him and his legacy, the great text editor. Rest in peace.
I'm not sure whether this is a side effect, but I spent a few days on providing IDE-like environment in Vim. Since it is the second trial the result was satisfactory, but I conclduded that I'd continue to use Visual Studio Code(VS Code) and postponed to apply the environment to the production. There are some reasons:
- My hands got WAY TOO DIRTY on customization. Plugins collide here are there. There are some features which should be provided in plugins in Vim, while in VS Code that are embedded, and more plugins mean more breaking points, since they change the settings internally without considering the others.
- It's most people look over, but you can use VS Code without mouse for more than 95% of actions. It's not only hot keys but also command palette with fuzzy search support. Yes. It's not the only "gift" to Vimmers motto, "we don't need mouse!"
And personally, I recognized that I tried to make Vim-IDE as similar as VS Code. It's not only behave mswin but also tab movements, file explorer, etc. If that's the case, I'd prefer to remaining in VS Code, rather than make efforts to make Vim resemble VS Code.
In my experience, the strength of of Vim is in editing, but not insertion. For example, you have commands like da", di', dt(, or the difference of O and o. And this is the very strength of modal editor, which provides a "special mode" only for editing. Yet for me, I spend most of the time in insertion, not in editing. And in doing that, what I use most is at best autocompletion. Vim is certainly wonderful job, but considering my use case most of them are unwanted. Jumping between normal mode and insert mode and enduring the inconvenience only for features which I'd use once a month at best is quite a nonsense.
Wrapping up, I'm sure that Vim is quite a treasure, but it doesn't fit to me, like someone said in Reddit, "VS Code versus Vim is not about what's better. They're just different and appeal to different type of people."
To my dear heavy Vim users, if you read this post, please don't be angry, but think of it as a practical case of "there's nothing like a shirt that fits to all."
So everyone, happy Vimming!
Yet, I'm dissatisfied with performance drops due to the limit of VS Code brought by its structure(Javascript.......). Vim is a bit better, but Vimscript is still a script also, so they're anyway about the same to me. :P
Regarding this, finding an alternative for VS Code, I found Lapce(, which is still pre-alpha but promising. If I have a chance, let me post for this.