There are some issues in building Qt Creator with mingw-builds 5.1.0 Release 0. Here are compile errors and workarounds:
[QString::QString(const char *) is private]
The issue occurs in building qbs and on line 108 of file src/lib/corelib/tools/filetime_win.cpp. It seems to be related to QString header file when QT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII is defined, but I have no idea on details.
You can see the line looks like this:
const QString result = QString("%1.%2.%3 %4:%5:%6")
And you can change the line like this to workaround:
const QString result = QString(QLatin1String("%1.%2.%3 %4:%5:%6"))
Now it's resolved anyway. ;)
[Psapi.lib is not found]
One more build error when building qbs. You've got to manually edit either Makefile.Debug or Makefile.Release in src/shared/qbs/src/lib/corelib directory. Search for Psapi.lib with your favorite text editor, and you'll see this:
LIBS = -lglu32 -lopengl32 -lgdi32 -luser32 Psapi.lib -LD:/Components/Qt-5.4.2-MinGW32-5.1.0R0/qtbase/lib -lQt5Script -lQt5Gui -lQt5Xml -lQt5Core release\qbscore_resource_res.o
Just change Psapi.lib to -lpsapi as shown below and it's done:
LIBS = -lglu32 -lopengl32 -lgdi32 -luser32 -lpsapi -LD:/Components/Qt-5.4.2-MinGW32-5.1.0R0/qtbase/lib -lQt5Script -lQt5Gui -lQt5Xml -lQt5Core release\qbscore_resource_res.o
It seems to be human error when copy-and-pasting VC nmake file to GNU makefile. Hey Trolls, WAKE UP!
[MIB_TCP_STATE is not declared]
If you're using Visual Studio, it's okay by just including iphlpapi.h in your source code, yet with MinGW you have to declare yourself. If you read the file tcpportsgatherer.cpp in src/lib/utils you'll see something like this:
// Missing declarations for MinGW 32.
#if __GNUC__ == 4 && (!defined(__MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR) || __MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR < 2)
typedef enum { } MIB_TCP_STATE;
#if __GNUC__ == 4 && (!defined(__MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR) || __MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR < 2)
typedef enum { } MIB_TCP_STATE;
Well, this seems to work only if you're using GCC version 4.X, not with 5.1.0. Just comment #if like this and you're done.
// Missing declarations for MinGW 32.
//#if __GNUC__ == 4 && (!defined(__MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR) || __MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR < 2)
typedef enum { } MIB_TCP_STATE;
//#if __GNUC__ == 4 && (!defined(__MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR) || __MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR < 2)
typedef enum { } MIB_TCP_STATE;
Now everything's done. Welcome to the world of Qt Creator 3.4.1! :)
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