
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Recent trends in inflight entertainment system development

Recently I had some chance to use a lot of airlines, and I found some airlines have inflight entertainment system with quite remarkable user interface/experience. I tried to find out who was behind, and all of them were found to be developed by Panasonic Avionics. And what? The company is one of the protagonists in "customer success stories" from Qt Company.

Man, in the world of C++, Qt becomes the de facto standard.

최근의 inflight entertainment system 개발동향(?)

근저 비행기를 많이 타봤기에, 몇몇 항공사의 간지나는 인터페이스를 가진 inflight entertainment system들을 좀 수소문해봤더니 개발사가 모두 Panasonic Avionics더군요. 그리고 Panasonic Avionics는 Qt의 가장 대표적인 customer success story입니다.

......C++의 세계에서 대세는 역시 Qt인가 봅니다.